Skyrim wear multiple rings
Skyrim wear multiple rings

skyrim wear multiple rings skyrim wear multiple rings

On the PC you can mod the ability to wear extra rings and/or rebalance magic.on consoles you're SOL (pick up a sword). It wouldn't be so bad if destruction had been more fleshed out and properly balanced. However, the reason is, ironically, balance. This TMNT game has everything you love about the retro TMNT games and more Well rip through the foot clan to save ALL of our friends and take down Krang. I agree us mages (especially those of us that concentrate in destruction magic) could use the extra ring (all other TES games allowed 2 if my memory serves correctly). So explain to me Betheseda, why the hell can I wear only one damn ring in the game? It would be REALLY beneficial if I could use my other fingers, especially us mages. Now, I realize that the thumb may be stretching it a little bit as I certainly im not aware of thumb rings in real life, so lets for the sake of argument just go with the fact that normal humans could wear a total of 8 RINGs, 4 on each hand. The results in 10 fingers total that COULD wear a ring of some kind. Last I looked, both in real life and in virtual world of most games, humans have two hands that consist of 5 fingers of each hand.

Skyrim wear multiple rings